About The Beaver Colony
Beaver Scouts are the youngest in scouting aged between 6 and 8 years. We always ensure our programme is balanced and it includes a range of fun activities, learning new things and making friends.
As Beaver Scouts they also have opportunities throughout the two years to gain badges these are: activity, challenge and stage badges. Activity badges are about Beavers showing their progress in existing but also learning new things, these include: healthy eating, air activities and visit to Pet at Home. There are six challenge badges, these are usually more serious evenings learning about the world, friendships and about the Scout Promise. Finally, Stage badges, these are achieved throughout scouting as they build on previous skills learnt. For example: at Beavers we cover emergency aid which, includes basic first aid and what to call encase of an emergency. As they move throughout the movement your child will learn more about that subject.
We usually plan two sleepovers per year. This is often an opportunity for Beaver Scouts to spend their first night away from home. Our previous sleepover themes have included: pirates, dinosaurs, Halloween and trips to Rochester Cathedral and Maidstone museum.
As Beavers are water creatures, our leader names represents this:
Amanda (Dolphin)
Natalie (Mermaid)
Sophie (Sharky)
Robyn (Otter)
A group of Beaver Scouts is called a Colony, and each Colony can be split up into smaller groups called Lodges.
Beavers have a Promise and Motto, but there is not a Beaver Scout Law.
Beaver Scouts wear a turquoise sweatshirt with a Group scarf (often called a necker) and a maroon woggle or one of another colour which identifies their Lodge or team.
The Beaver Scout flag is light blue, bearing the Scout symbol and the Scout Motto.