How to Raise The Money
1st January 2011
To fund a trip like this takes a lot of effort and quite a bit of cash. We have had to work very hard to raise enough money to get us there and to fund our project whilst there.
One of our members, Ben Stroud, cycled 146 miles from Borstal to Brownsea Island , the site of Baden-Powell's first experimental Scout camp. We have packed bags at local supermarkets, held quiz nights and organised clothing collections under the banner of 'Rags to Riches'.
The village pub, The White Horse, has had a collection jar on the bar for the last six months or so and the Anglo-Indian Restaurant 'Moza' which is on the premises, has been good enough to donate some of the profits from their monthly 'buffet nights' to us as well.
We have carried out 'house removals';cakes have been baked; gardens have been weeded;and Ben's father Jacques has painted some cards, which he had printed at his own cost, for us to sell, raising several hundred pounds.
We also involved Kent's Beaver Scouts, when they celebrated their 25th anniversary at Quex Park near Birchington, over the weekend of 21st - 22nd of May where they raised £1,000.00 for us by collecting pennies.
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