Parent Taxi
'Parental Taxis' are how we get about to events such as Camp, Days Out or other activities away from the HQ in Borstal.
To keep the costs of events down to the absolute minimum we have run a scheme within the Scout Section for many years where parents will organise amongst themselves to transport Scouts to and from events that are a distance from the Scout HQ.
The idea is now to expand this scheme to any parent who would like to volunteer their time, vehicle and donate the petrol or diesel etc and to form a directory of 'Parental Taxi Drivers'.
If you would like to join the scheme then all that is required is a simple DBS check (this was the old CRB check and all adults coming into contact with our youth members must be checked) and you can then go on the rota. Please download and complete the 'Occasional Helper Form' and then contact Skip for more details