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24th Borstal Scout Group

Jumble Sales

We hold jumble sales two or three times a year at the Scout HQ in Borstal.  Explorer Scouts post leaflets throughout the village on the Tuesday and then Scouts (with parental help) collect the donated jumble which is left out for us, on the Friday night before the sale.  Leaders and parents help on the Friday night and at the sale on Saturday. Recently we have divided the tasks up a little bit better and we had a lot of assistance from parents and everything went very well.

Friday Night - Scouts go out in cars driven by helping adults in cars about the village collecting the Jumble left out for them; While others stay back at the HQ sorting everything as it comes in.

Saturday morning - Scouts & volunteers meet at the HQ at 10 am to finish sorting & setting out the stalls.

Saturday afternoon 1 pm - Volunteers, assisted by scouts, sell as much as possible, for as much as possible!

Saturday afternoon 3:30pm - volunteers come to HQ and take all left over, unwanted stuff to local tip.

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