Our Committee
Or to give it its full title our 'Group Executive Committee' is there to support the Group in every way possible. it is made up of a chairman (or woman) a Treasurer and a Secretary. The Group Scout Leader and the Leaders of each of the Sections together with several non Scouting members.
Our members are: -
Michael Clark - Chairman
Clive Richardson - Treasurer
Tamara Cowan - Secretary
Graeme Pryke - GSL (Group Scout Leader)
Graeme Pryke - Scout Section
Amanda Dean - Beaver Section
Bev Pryke - Cub Section
Sam Richardson - Explorer Scouts
Pauline Clark, Sally Simone, Brian Stroud, Maurice Coombs, Chris Manley and Mark Adams.
If you would like to join the team and help us bring the best Scouting possible to our members then do please get in touch.