24th Borstal Group Blog
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St George's Parade 2016
24th April 2016
We had an excellent turn out for St George's parade this year.
Jumble Sale Total
7th March 2015
We have had another successful jumble sale today.
The total raised was £754
Many thanks to our loyal helpers and also the local residents for their donations.
18th January 2015
Everyone should now be aware that the Scout Association is going through a mammoth exercise to get every youth member registered. this has meant that everyone involved in Scouting has been involved to a lesser or greater extent in gathering the required information. this has all had to be entered onto the new database known as 'Compass'.
The members of all Sections of the 24th Borstal Group have had their basic details (as supplied to Leaders when they joined) uploaded into Compass, however the system requires more information and in order to gather that in everyone has been sent a Young Persons Information Form. this form needs to be completed and sent back (it can be done via email) as soon as possible so that we can get everyone details on the system and then get on with Scouting. Without this additional information being on the system we cannot update a lot of the things that we hope to be doing over the coming months and years.
Once it is all done, Scouts (and their parents) will be able to log in using their unique Membership Number to see how they are doing. There are lots of additional admin aspects that we are told it will assist us with.
So please complete the forms and email (or hand them) back to your child's section leaders as soon as possible.
many thanks
Trevor Banks GSL